When an individual is no longer able to manage his or her own financial or personal affairs due to mental illness, mental deficiency, disease, or mental incapacity, it becomes necessary for the court to appoint a Guardianship. A guardianship is a court-ordered relationship in which the guardian acts on behalf of the ward. Wards are persons who are not physically or mentally able to care for themselves or their property. There are two types of Guardianships. A Guardianship may be for the “estate only” in the circumstance where the guardian needs to care for the ward’s assets. A Guardianship may be for the “person only” when the guardian has responsibility to assure the personal needs of the ward are met. Additionally, a Guardianship may be established for both an estate of the ward and the ward personally. To guarantee a satisfactory and conscientious Guardianship process it is recommended to have quality Guardianship attorneys.
Taps Sutton and Roshon, LLC is the region’s leader as Guardianship attorneys. Our firm is resolutely focused on the needs pertaining to Elder Law, Estates and Guardianships. The team at our office provides the following legal services for individuals applying to be a guardian of another person:
- Prepare and file the required paperwork with the probate court to have you appointed as guardian and manage the guardianship until termination, obtain all required signatures, and meet all deadlines;
Obtain information and valuations of all assets owned;
Notify you when the annual accountings are due throughout your term as guardian, prepare the accounts, advise you of the costs to file these reports, and to file them for you;
Notify you when the biennial guardian reports and statement of expert evaluations are due throughout your term as guardian, the costs to file these reports, and to file them for you.